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发表于 2006-11-10 00:27:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
11月3日本人随同共计4人驶车在北面桐籽产区旅行时间7天,行程1400多公里,共计调查籽农15户(其中小户10户),籽商了30人(其中小籽商20人),桐油加工厂20家(其中小加工厂15家) ,其情况如下供大家分享。
# E& q2 t. A4 Z) G! P2 Y$ }6 ?      (1)籽农情况: 问?老伯或大妈,大哥或大嫂,今年的桐籽收成怎么样,大户们回答基本上是:“因今年桐籽价格低,诂计新籽上市价格不高,我们也没有去好好管理,好地还是搞一下,不好的地就让它荒在那里”。小户们回答是:“价高价低无所未,反正我们没有去多管理”。问?今年的产量比去年多凡是少,回答:“今年的桐籽产量虽然没有前年多但比去年要要多一倍,因为今年是大年,大年一般要比小年多1倍”。问?今年的桐籽怎么比去年迟上市呢,回答:“今年的各种农产品价格不好,老百姓收入不高,大部分青壮年都外出打工或去干工程去了,打工干工程每天收入在50元以上,我们的桐果都是落到地上才抽空收到家里,近段时间又赶上秋收,天气好要抢冬种,等天气下雨了才有空击驳桐籽。问?到什么价位才好,回答:“现在都是市场经济,无所未的,反正我们没有投大本,干籽价格低于0.8元/市斤得等一下,到时实再价低我们也得卖,桐籽又不能吃。- O% g0 n! D% l; ]6 F
     (2)籽商情况:籽商在今年3月份后销售的亏损严重,大籽商因桐籽亏损的已变成了中小籽商,而一些个籽商反而因跑的快没有受多大损伤。问?(大籽商),去年至今年5月你收购销售了多少吨桐籽,诂计今至明年能收购销售多少吨,回答:“50多吨,凡有20吨没有得钱,今至明年诂计可收100多吨,另收价超过捌毛,批收价超过捌毛伍分就停收,收一车就卖一车,油厂没有钱时我们就把价格降到柒毛至柒毛伍收购。4 a8 }, u' C3 C3 J+ h
8 Z( n( J9 L. X      个人看法:桐油行业资金流失严重,桐籽收购价格上涨空间有限。桐油供应市场稳定,上涨压力巨大,新油全面上市后价格会因多种因素习贯性下降,成本价6800元/至7000元/吨的底部也很扎实。但不排出有资金有意引导中小资将行情拉高,等小资金全部被套后,坐收鱼利完出与去年同样的手法。小资金为了不让大资金应对定单享受市场稳定(有意将其拖下水)甘当市场英雄,或因资金短缺高价套取籽商本钱。等等一些市场不稳定因素是制约桐油行业长期发展的主要因素。其实那些为行业代来不稳定因素的行为,从战术上看是利已行为,但从战略上来看是损已行为。由此本人建议中小加工厂千万不要跟风,一定要保存自已的实力,控止好自已的成本价位,以应对长时间的市场调整,迎接下一轮真正的大行情。
0 g6 B8 \/ j; V7 q
+ n4 w3 x: R8 N# g4 `; V, E: I$ A9 J5 N# |
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9 F+ `' s1 q) F8 t  ]# [' Z
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2 G  P. }# K; }5 k& H  ^
6 E% U; ?* K. H8 n8 f; y8 g( }
; h% S. K! [7 Y# P; P5 v
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-10 1:00:18编辑过]

* G( H5 D" x  w
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4 B' V/ ^6 o) L
& ]3 y% M" I' `) u1 h) K- v/ [
6 z; u& y/ q+ c! R. P/ T5 a$ N. W

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+ R! M& p/ f6 a( y+ u1 r3 _8 x
$ C  l3 i% H. Q; @) N

0 f" m6 u( Z" z0 k& Q2 v* @: Y3 w! _3 j5 U) o" k, k+ B$ \
发表于 2016-6-26 12:46:54 | 只看该作者
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6 C' W: K& q, F8 t+ l. v( Q( j2 V7 L  q$ L

$ M% f7 d4 [! o4 J3 g8 d8 H& W% ?, C! F
3 B! e' j% E) r
3 T' y; x; A7 j5 i  E

: ~% [- l& E& p2 A) ]% T& U
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发表于 2011-8-8 18:43:00 | 只看该作者
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寒风萦绕 心染霜
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4 P$ ]4 {/ {: e$ }: p  w7 A   up 116.5 percent year on year.6 o6 ]4 F( z$ i' c/ T- D3 {
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   » Wang Xiaochu
发表于 2011-8-8 15:37:00 | 只看该作者
To accompany his mother walk, is LI Cai unshakeable homework every day. , x9 }- l: P. y+ k5 A

) ?6 r3 Y; M6 b6 ^- V1 Q ultra-high flood the reporter correspondent Liucui Bo Zhang Jing Zi
# G% u; B% p3 X& `
" j5 N" s3 t8 ^$ c$ ]& G every morning or evening, peace in the Rushan district, people always find a mother and daughter snuggle with the slow pace, the young daughter of the arm with mother, slow down, reduce the pace. To them, people familiar with the envy of the total vote, approval of the eyes. The daughter was called LI Cai praise is Rushan Dagushan middle school art teacher, was the envy of her bed is struggling to stand up again after four years of the mother.  
8 Q: f3 {$ j; Z' ~: l Miles Qingdao to Beijing next doctor to save the mother 8 M5 v1 n- L9 F; c5 l

& L) b5 _! z! N$ D! b+ [" P 2004 April, LI Cai's father was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. Out all the savings, LI Cai and her husband travel extensively chemists, filial piety did not work miracles, after two years in July, his father died. Fear of the mother alone, LI Cai received her around.  
' ?8 p8 l8 j; A' @' U9 k matters worse, the same year, the mother was found a huge skull base meningioma, which is a rare disease, local hospitals unable to surgery. Her husband busy with work, LI Cai Xunyiwenyao assume the burden for the mother, while on weekends, holidays,Coach Handbags, under the Qingdao to Beijing alone, running the Temple of Heaven, Jishuitan, Alexander and other hospitals, travel thousands of miles, to get all disappointed. At the same time, the mother the condition worsening day by day, the growth of the brain optic nerve, eyes, blurred vision, LI Cai worried. In early April 2007, asking her to Beijing a Professor Zhang Xing good treatment of the disease,Coach Bags, she immediately contacted and the mother's brain CT map express the past, the answer is: surgery worthless, and may leave serious consequences!  
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glimmer of hope by 50,000 yuan to save the mother & `* T8 @. Y7 x& r
+ r& r# U4 C" `4 |8 Q
came back from the capital, LI Cai began to look for remedies.  
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0 r9 b9 J! Y" ^* _# d4 C mother's body gradually tough but still a headache. In October 2007, the son of teacher gave her toad Soka dandelion Aoyao recipe. Long in the city since childhood, she checked the Internet features of two plants, herbs in the mountains on weekends. When dug up Second into the mountains, she invited the farmers to do well-meaning teacher, is no longer taken the wrong medicine, but each time the drugs taken back to the total amount is not enough one week, my colleagues know, the friends and relatives in rural areas have to help solve her problems.  
1 e8 [' L. n0 b( U meticulous care of her mother's blood pressure, blood sugar stable, but still a headache. In early 2008 spring, LI Cai inquire about a hospital in Jinan, New CyberKnife surgery without craniotomy, less complications, but would cost $ 50,000. For her, this is an astronomical figure, had been negative for the mother of 4 million debt, both by relatives and friends all over.  # T/ L" G- H, O/ L" h3 r2 f: v
glimmer of hope, were not spared. Money from wages and pulled out a little milk and fruit, LI Cai courage and relatives knock on the door, first to hit a wall, people across the security door she declined. In the darkness, she put the fruit down the stairs, his legs felt heavy than the upstairs also, looking at lighted and tears straight round and round. A person walking in the street, a classmate she thought seven years of friends, But when she tactfully referred to his mother's illness and distress, the other to something on the grounds immediately hung up the phone.  
* t8 b" m2 l8 w6 Q# b could no longer suppress the tears, in that chill of the night, LI Cai squat corner crying. After crying, wiped away her tears, the next relatives, classmates, colleagues ... ... a picture of IOUs handed out, she put together a heavy 5 million. 2008 Righteously day live, successful surgery, her mother's cancer has been suppressed, greatly ease the headache.  
- K3 W: X7 o( |& v9 A five years as one day become the mother should be. She immediately leave to go home, open the door to see her mother back in the kitchen, water, rice sprinkled over the floor.  
7 d  z& m6 m  I& Y- D1 s5 K mother was taken to hospital, examination results are vertebral fractures, night, LI Cai moved to wards the bedding roll. To save a few money, then she made with plastic bottles of urine control; constipation her mother to help her mother with a plastic bag wrapped around your finger resolve; mother to even move, she was hot meal in the morning, noon Aoyao, son to sleep at night, after a exercise three times a day leaning on his mother. After serving his mother sleep, LI Cai was out teaching lessons, this time is ten at night, this activity habits until the end of last year before the mother can take care of themselves changed.    Z7 C) j9 ~! b3 b, l' n
five consecutive years of tension, constraints, LI Cai sharp decline in weight, the lean is less than 80 kg. School leaders take care of her, not to arrange her first class. The pain of her mother's responsibility to have a more profound understanding of each group of students took over, she would carefully know each child, if that child has art talent, she will carefully guide. Since 2006, every cent of her students either a  9 v4 i( Q0 g8 t. I7 Z% L; r6 Q; f- Q  n; {
five years as one day, LI Cai subvert their own tenacity of the Chinese old saying
! I6 e! \9 T8 M. s& E; q; f9 d' W相关的主题文章:
$ _$ P6 B! _% }: l3 ^' [ % F- o+ U4 A4 y9 j
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   Foxconn to promote employees who recommend new regulations embrace a prize 200 yuan
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发表于 2011-8-7 19:08:00 | 只看该作者
' B6 F3 F5 H- _6 X; t1 ]' t& F' q图1:分公司推出金秋时节美食周活动。
- i. s1 G  n" B8 l- N4 i: i5 L& e% \  D  民航资源网2010年9月14日消息:9月13日至18日,中国东方航空股份有限公司(China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited,简称“东航”)山东分公司将在青岛流亭国际机场和市区燕儿岛路东航餐厅推出“金秋时节感恩回馈美食周”活动。活动期间,分公司在青岛地区的两个职工餐厅将每日推出一款特价、特色饭菜,为分公司职工提供物美价廉的优质餐食,以感谢分公司广大干部员工多年来对职工餐厅工作的支持。本次美食周活动是继分公司为机场一线值班人员提供早点送餐特色服务后,东航青岛地区餐厅推出的又一项特色服务活动,旨在通过本次活动进一步提高分公司青岛地区餐厅餐食品质、提升服务质量。据了解,本次活动的推出受到了分公司广大员工的热烈欢迎。
4 `4 N3 z- J0 F& l6 Q8 Y  本次“金秋时节感恩回馈美食周”活动只是东航山东分公司“创先争优”活动以来,本着以人为本、服务基层、服务一线的原则,在分公司范围内开展的一系列“创先争优”从“衣食住行”入手、关心一线员工、促进企业和谐稳定发展活动的一个缩影。
7 Z1 C1 B4 |3 j1 m  
% M) r8 ?9 B& C+ A. D, W  图2:厨师们认真烹制菜肴。
1 Q+ i# s# Q; x7 I+ J- m  “衣”:“创先争优”活动期间,Adidas Football Chaussures,分公司领导通过深入一线走访,了解到随着分公司保障航班量不断增大、工作量不断增大,一线员工的制服都有了不同程度的磨损,并对公司形象造成了一定影响。同时,还有部分新进员工尚未配备工作制服。根据东航总部统一更换工作制服时间表安排,目前分公司员工尚不能更换制服。知道此情况后,分公司领导立即与总部相关部门进行了沟通,通过协商,本着服务一线、服务基层的原则,adidas f50,总部同意分公司于今年内更换制服。分公司空勤人员、地面服务保障人员制服尺寸测量统计工作已于8月中旬完成。期间,分公司相关工作人员克服分公司两地办公、人员多、工作地点散、一线员工班次不一等诸多困难,经过努力在半个月时间内顺利完成了1210套制服、1172条裙裤的测量统计工作,新的制服也将与今年内送到一线员工手中。. Z% ]- X! a* W( W
  9 ]1 Q# X" K6 h8 P# P! W) W- o
  图3:午餐推出的部分菜肴,christian louboutin pas cher: A; X8 K" Y( R4 U
9 i3 |) A, E3 |  “住”:今年以来,随着世博会的到来、航班量猛增、恶劣天气的不断增多、航空管制频发等诸多因素的影响,确保安全飞行的压力也越来越大。为了保障机组的休息时间,确保飞行安全,分公司按照《关于执勤期限制、飞行时间限制和休息要求》的标准,专门出台了《东航山东分公司机组临时休息管理规定》,明确了分公司机组临时休息的统一标准、审批流程、酒店入住安排及相关保障职责部门。通过统一管理,louboutin,保证了分公司机组人员的休息时间,提高了工作效率,为安全飞行提供了有利保障。
0 H0 e% ^) P3 P1 Y) o  
7 s( @+ x7 K. c" H8 P+ e3 T  图4:美食周活动受到了分公司员工的欢迎。
8 I  n9 S* D# t& ^8 _, g+ h  “行”: 9月6日下午,东航山东分公司综合管理部机组车队在青岛流亭国际机场东航基地院内举行了机组车队党员示范岗授牌宣誓活动。仪式上,分公司领导分别向综合部机组车队“党员示范岗”机组车组、“鲁鹰号”机组车组、“凌燕号”机组车组、“温馨号”机组车组授机组车号牌,nike mercurial vapor。各位机组车号长分别代表本机组车组进行了宣誓,chaussures de football。该项活动也是按照东航山东分公司党委创先争优活动安排,本着服务基层、服务一线的原则,在分公司范围内开展的系列活动之一。活动的开展对促进分公司行车安全、增进分公司机组车队的和谐运行起到了积极地推动作用,franklin et marshall
; q- P; }( t' J6 Z( T$ b0 @5 `6 j  自“创先争优”活动开展以来,东航山东分公司党委按照上级党委统一部署,紧密围绕分公司各项中心工作,坚持以人为本、服务基层的管理理念,从关心分公司一线员工的“衣食住行”入手,louboutin pas cher,切实想员工之所想、做员工之所需、解员工之所难,获得了分公司广大员工的认可和支持,取得了良好效果。  S+ }; ?( Q0 g+ n
  6 }& q& S# [' K* v) `$ A6 f0 r
  图5:金秋时节分公司推出美食周活动。8 w' J) }8 k7 a. B! E
  相关实体: 通讯员陈华振
! {4 R, L- E! J2 |4 f' v. E+ S2 F相关的主题文章:3 G' Z, Z4 Y" K: ?$ p: L
/ v5 G0 C- [- _0 R  h
# w0 q+ F7 o" X- h0 g- x& r   Verdict/ J3 R! I: G) Z0 J" P+ o
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发表于 2011-7-11 09:44:00 | 只看该作者
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; p( y; U4 Q4 A9 X" _5 F
0 ]8 s# I" h& d2 {' N4 T1 F ; L" i. o4 Y/ @# {

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/ a) @; O7 D# k9 P  ]
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发表于 2011-5-24 18:02:00 | 只看该作者
to find money online,casque dr dre, the table will be one of the brothers killed the women received waste burned his body, money, and continue to go online. Three days after the killings, the two had never left the cafe. August 4, Luquan police cracked the case of these killings burned his body.  
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over to the police station Chuang Temple posted a notice offering a reward of 50,000 cases of murder burned his body, occurred on August 1. In fact as early as July 29, the suspect Liang Ming, Du Liang began brewing.  
3 ]+ X, f1 D: E& y1 { this day, because the money online, home is no longer money, can not continue playing this game Patrilineal discussion: no money, and robbed it.  
8 J  w  \" r# D5 Q! Z they think going from door to door in the waste collection staff, is the village most people carry cash. Elsie Leung, 21, prepared a hammer. Elsie Leung told police admitted that he was ready to stun the other and then start, and cousin Liang Ming has decided to kill.  
; D/ X- ^( e, a# e start from July 29, cousins ??have been waiting, waiting for a random victim.  
$ }5 Z% N# \* |8 i1 U. R a hammer to hit the victim begged for mercy
5 v. j; h* x- O7 z# h9 m/ k6 N# l8 M
' s1 }" K( |# \ 8 1 March, riding a 50-year-old Rong Zhu car battery to start the street waste collection. Drum in her hand, not only attracted the villagers to sell waste, has also drawn a long-awaited robbers.  
% b8 s5 E. s( S! b4 V/ s  P9 d Liang Ming told, he heard the drums, Yi Gulu out of bed, so that waste collection Elsie Leung sent for the door, himself raised his hammer.  ; M+ J+ d' {2 Q; T# r' T
old house in the family yard Liang Ming Liang Ming Rong Zhu a hammer down to the ground. Rong Zhu had this cousin for mercy, who hope to use the money for life, but was out to hit the hammer beam rejected.  ( N' Z2 V1 `$ S) r
a hammer and then the rope, the last of the old sweaters and airtight plastic bags. Liang Ming yesterday, Heishou, bare arm, wearing Kaozi, rough nails filled with mud, it is that his hands, eventually killing strangers Rong Zhu.  
  P; @1 E: Z( Z point out the dead bodies, a fire
; z; l( Z: Z5 S8 {
: J9 _* u" f8 }5 B4 G% W6 ?6 R can not be restored in the morning to noon to kill Rong Zhu gap between the time the dead bodies, which is how the cousins ??spent.  
# C, A% |4 e& \0 P1 S in the absence of eyewitnesses, August 1 at noon, they use good bags to hide the dead Rong Zhu, hastily pulled on the levees. Their original plan is to flood the water will ZHU Rong away.  0 Q6 F+ d- `$ R% N1 n% {
but the tilt of the berm can not be completely stopped Rong Zhu of the cable car, leading to the postmortem program abortion. Hurry, they pulled the body of the cornfield, and before leaving Liang Ming Rong Zhu who did not forget to point in a fire.  
: [% e2 [: v& V) a( ^
$ d; {) b1 Q- {# c9 y+ z7 ? murder and has been in the cafe playing games
( n% Z# q! E7 g4 U" l* y
$ m# c4 J2 d8 }/ o+ G8 b# F) v evening from August 1, Shimoji villagers found the body, to Luquan 4 pm Police visited the old family house next to the beam before found that the ground track of electric vehicles, not three days Liang Ming minute delay, has been in Internet cafes, is sold during the brief interval that bike electric car.  - y3 O: z8 K7 p3 P$ a$ ^* b2 Q
4 日 19 am, nearly two thousand dollars with the robbery to pay the complete network costs,casque by dre, online games, after recharge, Liang Ming dangling home was arrested. A few hours later, another Internet cafe in front of the computer Shijiazhuang Du pitched battle was caught light.  * V! u$ E9 f! N2 n
Police described the afternoon burned the body, including the police the night of a busy evening, two brothers were spent in Internet cafes. They are accompanied by night stabbed deafening sound of the game. (Text characters are not his real name) 7 Z8 W6 B* L% {* q
7 X; W" \: x; K, N) E& g' F1 m
■ suspect sketch * `7 |0 c) Y8 E4 u/ Y) ^; a' r

$ k+ E  m2 z" s" W' E! ]8 B Du Liang, born in 1989,beats de dr dre, junior middle school education, no criminal record. Less experienced practitioners, from home to get the hammer, said ready to stun each other.
发表于 2011-5-21 22:06:00 | 只看该作者
April last year, Zhang and Wang went to a nearby Caoqiao tobacco specialty stores, Mr. Liu said Zhang of the shop owner to buy 10 Chinese smoke. Mr. Liu gave the Chinese tobacco Zhang 10, the received a 60 hundred dollar bills. After Detector checks to determine the counterfeit money was delivered Zhang. At this point, Zhang said of Mr. Liu: Mr. Liu will smoke back then, and to 6,000 yuan returned to Zhang. At this point, Zhang and Wang on the side said: Chinese cigarettes to go back to leave.  . |) n, v9 R  Y: H
night, Mr. Liu inventory accounts, it was found that 60 charged, only one hundred dollar bills are real currency,casque beats, and the remaining 59 were counterfeit, then the police. Last November, police in Anhui Fuyang, Zhang and Wang will be captured. They confessed to the police, counterfeit money is his hometown in Anhui to 4.5 per each hundred dollars of the price of counterfeit money to buy. Explained that the two suspects by Zhang prepared in advance in two pocket 6000 dollars, one for 60 yuan banknote, one hundred dollars is a counterfeit banknote and 59, in trading in the transfer package. They confessed that in a short period of 6 months, 16 cases have been continuous crime, a total of 12 million yuan to spend the counterfeit money.  8 B0 n3 t) V% F+ t0 c& i
Meanwhile, police in Beijing from Zhang and Wang, the temporary accommodation also searched a large number of counterfeit money. Police find counterfeit money which part of the high production of fine simulation, the simulation very high degree.  2 A% ~# @6 ]+ }9 s, h7 |
prosecutors said, the financial experts, in a counterfeiting case 3 / 4 part is true, 1 / 4 part is false, by splicing, watermarks and counterfeit part is the national emblem section. Another entire counterfeit high simulation is mainly produced for the detectors and their characteristics in one embedded in the magnetic stripe counterfeiting; Second, the bill eight Arabic numbers, on which the 5 or 6 digits are added in the printing powder; third is a mechanical punch in the sense of money on the imprint. Prosecutors said that the current ordinary high simulation of such detectors can not identify counterfeit currency.  ; e" p2 A" G0 d
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the staff member said the public inspection at both ends when the banknote security features of banknotes to be the best view. Splicing of counterfeit done,monster beats, no matter how realistic, in the stitching at the total marks, will see the seams carefully to identify traces of splicing. In addition, the  7 P$ Y0 Y) }: u2 {$ f% N
whole counterfeit identification of high simulation, the coins on the a round square hole,beats solo, but then does not match the face of positive and negative; light angle changes, the counterfeit of the Gravure touch line, Braille markings and patterns such as the Great Hall of the back feels there is no concavity, very smooth.  
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发表于 2011-5-21 18:34:00 | 只看该作者
50 -year-old Ms Dong claims, last July 23 that he take the 345 Express travel. River waiting for the green car , the passengers suddenly found the body smoke , asked the driver to open the car door for passengers to get off , but refused and passengers . 3 E" v( B; D0 @8 G: U! m1 N
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passengers have window jumping , Ms bump landing left foot injury, after being diagnosed with heel fracture. Miss Dong that the safe transport bus company failed to fulfill its obligations , claims for medical expenses ,monster beats dr dre, lost income,casque dr dre, fees and so on nearly 5 million. . g7 R2 B- L5 \0 ?# ?
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bus company argued that , when the car in the middle of the road so the traffic lights, are prohibited in non- site parking. Only to find the driver off the belt break causing the engine smoke , and to appease the passengers , but the train is too crowded Gubuguolai , and several forced open the window jump. Most of the passengers after the driver open the door to get off . Miss Dong hearing of false rumors , injury unwise jumping through the window , which is itself at fault . 2 M  I2 r* q; K9 h. k, F! L
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Changping District Court that the bus company does not strictly checked , causing the vehicle to smoke. Passengers panic,casque beats by dr dre, and passengers are not actively take appropriate measures , should bear the responsibility Qi Cheng , judgments bus company 3 million yuan of compensation .
发表于 2011-5-16 18:12:00 | 只看该作者

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