,中美混血、拥有俊秀外型的倪安东,以一首自弹自唱的《The Blower's Daughter》(黑管乐师的女儿),摘下33分刷新这一王牌栏目的高分纪录。他充满戏剧张力的嗓音也让两岸收看超级星光大道的观众们牢牢记住了他的名字,当时就有声音预言,又一颗超级闪亮的吸睛明星由此横空出世了。时隔一年,专注吸纳华语乐坛效益声音的华研国际音乐于近日曝光了倪安东的两首英文歌火云打火机,为其即将发表的首张个人专辑摩拳擦掌。
p9 N6 W4 g* w) t 一年前机缘之下参加"超级星光大赛",倪安东在PK赛中挑选演唱的曲目正是这首《The Blower's Daughter》。这首歌原为电影《偷情》(英文名:CLOSER)主题曲,原唱为Damien Rice。歌曲名意为"黑管师的女儿",据说是因为作者Damien Rice曾经在一位黑管乐师门下学音乐,期间他爱上了老师的女儿,因而创作出这首歌曲。热爱音乐的梁洛施看川岛科技生物醇油在大学时第一次听到这首歌,就为简单的编曲与旋律却有着浓郁而深刻的情感素所深深打动。加上歌曲很适合自弹自唱,因此当时倪安东就学会了这首歌。几年后他来到台湾寻找自己另一半血源,因缘际会之下在比赛中献唱了这首歌曲,倪安东所特有的如威士忌般的浓烈情感与沙哑唱腔,将这首歌重新诠释出了属于他自己的味道,深深感动了所有的评审与观众,曲毕竟引得全场起立为他鼓掌,由此为星光传奇再记最传奇的一笔!
! M0 r4 [9 [# @( { 梁洛施看川岛乾能科技发展有限公司骗子希望凭借这首歌曲唤起听众朋友们在冬日里内心泛起浓浓暖意的醇厚情感。而经过一年的收歌准备,倪安东的首张个人专辑也蓄势待发。除了这一首《The Blower's Daughter》会收录其中,更多值得聆听的中文歌曲也必定不容错过。
# @, q3 A; p2 i. o The Blower's Daughter 6 l) F4 J& g0 F! R F
词曲:Rice Damien George
, i' ~7 M8 i* B: b And so it is
, l. e& D9 D$ d7 L Just like you said it would be
# r: {! d8 [4 w( d; e Life goes easy on me
$ B! U& W* @$ P$ T Most of the time 5 I- z W0 o8 w$ Y
And so it is
5 h6 r) C$ W4 r& N: o8 ~2 W The shorter story 4 l! G! J5 E, `/ X( v2 A
No love, no glory
# m3 n7 }* ^6 b1 m# c No hero in her sky & s6 H& T! v+ C9 Y+ M- ?0 L6 i+ Y1 I
I can't take my eyes off you * K( {2 S0 i: k; ^4 r# X G. t4 k
I can't take my eyes off you & X8 q- z: f! C' _$ U- ]
I can't take my eyes off you % G& @$ S; g5 U5 M% f; _
I can't take my eyes off you A8 K0 ]) K- }, _% r, R& O
I can't take my eyes off you
" M# Y& x8 Q* w5 ` I can't take my eyes...
M, }0 {7 p. T0 K5 {& P& N And so it is / P2 a, C# m4 K+ \$ a
Just like you said it should be
$ n( Y* S8 Z; w1 r$ N7 a. E We'll both forget the breeze - N; w ^6 D% Z+ ?
Most of the time 3 ], n) l2 ~% [* j. Y+ a
And so it is 6 |, U+ ^, p: X: r
The colder water 7 L |6 N- T; L
The blower's daughter
* T: N* {4 M* \ The pupil in denial 4 M( w! @5 A$ z$ b& h, L6 X
I can't take my eyes off you
4 h7 a4 E* ~3 H I can't take my eyes off you 7 T& t8 ^; R& }
I can't take my eyes off you 0 _2 u. X2 P/ ?
I can't take my eyes off you ; \. d% f& P) B1 I) U( u+ p. S
I can't take my eyes off you ! x' U% |7 n+ G/ @
I can't take my eyes...
4 a8 ~# J9 R- q6 r" ?6 `# s Did I say that I loathe you?
7 h% a5 P1 @+ r2 n( d Did I say that I want to Leave it all behind? . l. X: u: C& v4 ~6 ^
I can't take my mind off you
, ?+ ~5 L. x& s! Q I can't take my mind off you
% s6 @3 G, {# { I can't take my mind off you 0 R3 Z( G# P5 e7 [* x, t% y* M
I can't take my mind off you
4 v" x1 T8 d6 C3 U. Q! B% r+ a: ? n I can't take my mind off you + { h0 V4 `) k% d2 I( T
I can't take my mind... 2 G+ G/ h: t6 ^1 `+ m% k! f* E- s
I can't take my mind... ; m3 a; C( ?! H5 Q( g
My mind...my mind...
- {8 }( J) n, L* j* B9 f1 B+ ^ 'Til I find somebody new我没有说谎我何必说谎,你知道的我缺点之一就是很健忘,我哪有说谎,是很感谢今晚的相伴但我竟然有些不习惯我没有说谎我何必说谎爱一个人没爱到难道就会怎么样别说我说谎,人生已经如此的艰难有些事情就不要拆穿,我没有说谎是爱情说谎它带你来骗我说渴望的有可能有希望,我没有说谎祝你做个幸福的新娘我的心事请你就遗忘。$ c( `7 p* m! X" M
' b1 ^1 y6 [' W" l
# v3 @7 Q5 }* m4 ?5 x6 _% U& E 川岛科技生物醇油ny |