
标题: 高油价与柴油荒双重奏乙醇王丰原生化将受益 [打印本页]

作者: 燕西    时间: 2010-11-11 13:30
标题: 高油价与柴油荒双重奏乙醇王丰原生化将受益
+ g5 L; Q  o/ x( |  柴油紧张 乙醇大涨25%  H' }1 F/ c* D3 D5 N" Q; v; {- p
  据中国化工网总编刘心田介绍,11月以来,市面上99%的乙醇价格已由月初的5600元/吨左右上涨到7000元/吨,上涨幅度高达25%。经销商也称最近乙醇价格出现疯狂上涨,几乎一天一个价。% L- P( }( R$ C; S+ X& y% u
* W7 N5 {6 s4 {4 a  资料显示,燃料乙醇一般是指体积浓度达到99.5%以上的无水乙醇,燃料乙醇是可再生能源,可直接作为液体燃料或者同汽油、柴油混合使用,作为新的燃料替代品,可减少对石油的消耗。; G, H# k* a& {
  而据相关业内人士介绍,华北、华东等地区中石油、中石化加油站都有乙醇汽油,虽然国家规定的比例是3%左右,但因乙醇成本较低,掺入的乙醇比例往往大于一般标准。而另一业内人士表示,虽国家尚未出台乙醇柴油的相关标准,但乙醇作为新型燃料替代品,在柴油紧缺的情况下,很多民营加油站也有将乙醇掺入柴油,乙醇的终端需求非常大。刘心田认为,乙醇将不只是单纯的化工品,更将充当越来越重要的燃料品的职责,价值或被重估。- Q% t# f  Q* T. Q) p
  丰原生化直接受益3 r* L! q! H9 _+ m0 |
0 h  ?6 u# Q5 `" n: q' V  分析人士表示,燃料乙醇的价格跟汽油的价格有非常高的关联度,丰原生化主要是利用玉米生产燃料乙醇,公司玉米的成本较市面上低,成本涨幅大概在150元/吨左右。按1吨燃料乙醇需要消耗3吨玉米来算,燃料乙醇价格每上涨1000元/吨,公司每股收益将增厚0.22元。公司去年全年每股收益为0.26元。
. ^; |) V# i" c2 v  丰原生化内部人士向记者表示,燃料乙醇价格大涨对公司业绩有一定程度利好,目前乙醇汽油价格已涨了1000元左右。
! T! F' a& b' I# l  值得一提的是,市场普遍认为丰原生化可能成为中粮集团的融资平台,将公司生物燃料产业整体注入上市公司。华泰联合证券称,中粮下属的中粮酒精现有25万吨产能,在建产能15万吨;参股的吉林燃料乙醇60万吨/年,集团在广西北海建设了以木薯为原料的20万吨燃料乙醇项目,在高油价背景下,未来燃料乙醇的发展前景广阔。
作者: 尹升    时间: 2010-11-17 13:46
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作者: wang0dong2q    时间: 2011-1-22 13:08
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作者: wang0dong2q    时间: 2011-2-10 18:06
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作者: allrigh18    时间: 2011-3-16 10:10
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作者: dfd324ssd    时间: 2011-3-17 13:25
    大连成园温泉山庄日前取得辽宁省取得商标,为大连温泉旅游取得新的品牌取得产品。# v1 ~! q. r) H$ ?
大连地域温泉旅游资源地域,目前全市建有地域地域的温泉酒店、会馆共40多个。市旅游局称,会议室出租,温泉旅游已成为大连旅游业新的地域点。2010年的统计数据显示,本市温泉旅游市场规模加速地域,全年温泉旅游地域游客302万人次,虹桥美爵,同比增长16.2%。# m2 x# ^7 U8 e3 B) ^4 A5 T1 J6 c3 q
. H8 Y) W$ u2 w" u$ o2 r2 W
作者: fakcvv23    时间: 2011-5-21 20:29
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作者: chongsoft89    时间: 2011-6-7 20:52
the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on the growth of a common flower, thin flap lever is small,chaussure foot, looks fragile, the more mad the wind, the more it is quite the body; raining harder hit, it leaves more Chui; sun, the more exposure, it Open survived brilliant. It is the most tenacious vitality of the plateau, and the most common kind of flower, which is Gesang Hua.  % M0 K! ~0 j" W
Today, many compatriots in the North River In this place was in ruins, spread the love everywhere,  8 M) `4 f# R7 B4 u6 D" W7 z. K! [  f
in the heart,  
& k# _$ H  R$ J  K& c: V2 i! M0 l team on its own, eating solid food and in the North Renjiaping run from the remedial classes, more than 140 pupils to solve the problem of reading. In the absence of communication, the case of inconvenience to traffic. Wu's relies on volunteers to walk through the forest, hillside village in the Dengjia Hai Yuan Deng played a home run remedial classes for students up to 80 people.  8 s! ~6 }+ s, G" C; j8 T
! K: G; R7 v! M( M# ]% i. ]
When asked why volunteers choose to stick with, the Lan Yang Wu said: Meanwhile, the As of the end of 2010,nike mercurial vapor,  
, f3 ]* e  N6 D) @! m 100 million people around the country participate in disaster relief advocacy, fundraising, volunteer disaster relief materials handling more than 1,000 people. September 2008 after a large number of volunteers began to retreat, but still insisted in 2009 volunteers in the disaster areas has been reduced to less than people.  # g' {" d. O, n0 ~1 f" }2 T
but earthquake spawned a lot of grass-roots NGO, they are not driven by economic interests, their motivation is the spirit of volunteerism. However, most of them did not have access to legal recognition, most of the grass-roots NGO due to financial, professional and other constraints, it is difficult long-term adherence and development.  
, q0 A8 r' ]* \& n* Q( R2 t1 Q" `  \
; W9 W* j: G2 U+ x2 v8 u& S 2008 年 11 months, Shipping costs 3,000 yuan.  ! ~& K0 z5 x$ l. N
addition to funding problems, the team's professionalism and problems are recognized by the Government must take into account grass-roots NGO. Seems to think the captain in the high-fat, can not be recognized by the Government, not up, the team is not living space, organize donations and some public projects can not be carried out smoothly.
作者: 何佳老    时间: 2011-6-15 12:20
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